Invoicing procedure at Bambelo
There could be various situations where you, as a partner, might think that there are too many leads invoiced. Below are some of these situations listed, where eventually the invoice proves to be correct:
Situation 1: Limit replenishment due to returns
For every approved return, you receive a new request when it arrives in your region until your limit is reached again. We aim to replenish your limit with correct leads. Your limit can be replenished up to 4 weeks back. This means: Let's say you have a weekly limit of 10. You receive 7 good leads and return 3 leads. All returns are approved. In the next 4 weeks, you can receive 3 extra leads on top of the 10 per week, to replace the 3 returned leads. This way, we ensure that you receive enough good leads retroactively. So, it's possible that you receive more leads in a certain month because extra returns were approved in the previous month.
Situation 2: A month has 5 weeks
In most months, there are 5 different weeks. This means that if you have a weekly limit, there are 5 different weeks in which you can reach your limit. For example, if you have a limit of 10 leads per week, you can receive 50 leads per month.
Situation 3: Account change
You changed your limit or region last month. This may have resulted in you receiving more leads than before.
If you want to discuss any of the above situations, please contact your Happiness Manager.