Will I receive a new lead after returning one?

Bambelo's Returns Policy

There are two scenarios when you return a lead:

  1. You have an account without a limit.
  2. You have an account with a limit.

If you have an account without a limit, you will receive all leads that come in your agreed-upon work area. Therefore, you won't receive any extra new leads because you already receive all leads.

If you have an account with a limit, you will receive a new lead after your return request is approved. For every approved return, you will receive a new request as soon as it becomes available in your region until your limit is reached again. We aim to fill your limit with the right leads.

Your limit can be replenished up to 4 weeks back. This means: Suppose you have a weekly limit of 10 per week. You receive 7 good leads and return 3 leads. All returns are approved. Over the next 4 weeks, you can receive 3 extra leads on top of the 10 per week to replace the 3 returned leads. This way, we ensure that you receive enough good leads retroactively.